209 research outputs found

    Bio-bibliographie d’Albert Faucher

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    Jean-Pierre Wallot (1935-2010)

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    Albert Faucher, Ă©conomiste-historien

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    Philippe Garigue, trublion et Ă©claireur

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    Cet article propose un examen du Garigue qui jette un pavé dans la mare au milieu des années 1950 et remet en question quelques dogmes socio-historiques en vogue à l’époque ; une vignette du Garigue des années 1960, à la bonne place et au bon moment pour influencer la politique familiale au Québec et du Garigue « psychanalyste » de l’éthos du Canada français, sans oublier le Garigue qui s’ouvre à des horizons de plus en plus vastes dans ses analyses de la société contemporaine.There are many Philippe Garigues. This paper does not claim to provide a complete, detailed inventory of his multiple personas. A comprehensive description of this complex figure and his works would require an entire book. I propose only to survey Garigue’s territory from a bird’s eye view – leaving it up to others to analyze his wide range of activities in detail. His public personas include the anthropologist of family dynamics, the specialist in social politics, the diagnostician of political problems within French-Canadian society, the promoter of a revised federalism, the person interested in innovation and scientific policy, the savanturier who promoted a metastrategic understanding of the challenges posed by global society, the Dean in Montreal, and the Principal in Glendon; and then there is also Garigue the poet… and here I stop. In his private life, Garigue was a man of contrasts : epistemologically Popperian, profoundly personalist and Christian, a sometimes autocratic manager, a critical spirit with a sharp tongue, a man of power – opportunistic in the best sense of the word – a tad arrogant, and engaged in a constant effort to propose policies that are not too intrusive (because he is a conservative at heart), but a quixotic individual who, toward the end of his career, dedicated himself to the plight of the people of the Himalayas

    Réflexions iconoscopiques sur la pensée économique au Québec français

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    Ce texte présente l’évolution de la tribu des économistes québécois de langue française depuis 75 ans comme une histoire faite de trois grandes discontinuités : (1) le passage de l’économie politique à la coexistence pacifique entre trois curies (HEC, Laval et Montréal) dans l’après Seconde Guerre mondiale; (2) la consolidation des trois curies en deux phratries en coexistence hostile (SCSE et ASDEQ) dans les années soixante-dix et (3) l’éclatement des phratries en clans définis par les issues dans les années récentes. On montre que la réunification de la tribu est possible, mais que les progrès risquent d’être lents.This paper defines the evolution of the tribe of French-speaking Quebec economists over the last 75 years as an experience marked by three discontinuities: (1) the passage from the era of political economy to the peaceful coexistence of three curiae (HEC, Laval and Montréal) in the post Second World War; (2) the consolidation of these three curiae into two phratries (SCSE and ASDEQ) in hostile coexistence in the 1970s; and (3) the fragmentation of the phratries in issues-related clans in the recent past. It is argued that the reunification of the tribe is a distinct possibility but that progress in this direction might be quite slow

    Les mutations de notre économie-monde : Des révolutions sans miracles

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    This paper attempts to put the present mutation of the world economy in historical perspective. It uses a meso-analytical framework to examine the economic transformation we are experiencing. The main force at work, it is claimed, is a progressive dematerialization of economic activity which has triggered a reorganization of the world economy as instituted process. The extent to which a new international industrial order is in the making is examined together with the forces at work to transform the present conflictive equilibrium situation into a situation of creative disequilibrium

    Governance Through Social Learning

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    Governance connotes the way an organization, an economy, or a social system co-ordinates and steers itself. Some insist that governing is strictly a top-down process guided by authority and coercion, while others emphasize that it emerges bottom-up through the workings of the free market. This book rejects these simplistic views in favour of a more distributed view of governance based on a mix of coercion, quid pro quo market exchange and reciprocity, on a division of labour among the private, public, and civic sectors, and on the co-evolution of these different integration mechanisms. This book is for both practitioners confronted with governance issues and for citizens trying to make sense of the world around them

    Réflexions iconoscopiques sur la pensée économique au Québec français

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    This paper defines the evolution of the tribe of French-speaking Quebec economists over the last 75 years as an experience marked by three discontinuities: (1) the passage from the era of political economy to the peaceful coexistence of three curiae (HEC, Laval and Montréal) in the post Second World War; (2) the consolidation of these three curiae into two phratries (SCSE and ASDEQ) in hostile coexistence in the 1970s; and (3) the fragmentation of the phratries in issues-related clans in the recent past. It is argued that the reunification of the tribe is a distinct possibility but that progress in this direction might be quite slow. Ce texte présente l’évolution de la tribu des économistes québécois de langue française depuis 75 ans comme une histoire faite de trois grandes discontinuités : (1) le passage de l’économie politique à la coexistence pacifique entre trois curies (HEC, Laval et Montréal) dans l’après Seconde Guerre mondiale; (2) la consolidation des trois curies en deux phratries en coexistence hostile (SCSE et ASDEQ) dans les années soixante-dix et (3) l’éclatement des phratries en clans définis par les issues dans les années récentes. On montre que la réunification de la tribu est possible, mais que les progrès risquent d’être lents.
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